By Scot, (a father, husband and gay Utahn) I knew I was gay by about age 14. More accurately, I knew I came out of puberty attracted only to males. For months I convinced myself that didn’t mean I was gay…
Why We March
In 2012, there was unprecedented Mormon participation in LGBT Pride celebrations in the United States and Latin America. Mormons Building Bridges brought together over 300 active Latter-day Saints to march in Salt Lake City Pride in a show of love…
Sarah to Quin
By Steven and Diana Gardner We have a bit of news about Sarah to share with you. This is not a secret so feel free to forward this email to whoever you feel will benefit. For about the past year…
One of Those Great On-line Conversations (This time about the Atonement applying to homosexuals)
Copied and pasted form LDS Family Fellowship FB group with permission of the participants. Jake Abhau Can I pose a question? This is not a new idea but I am very curious on people’s opinions both in the walls of…
Opposing Perspectives on Christ’s True Church: Which Is Your Vision of Mormonism?
And God commanded them “Judge ye one another”. The prophets told them that they must pass righteous judgment on the sinners among them, and cast them out if they would not repent. And there were some among them…
Honor Thy Father
There are two conflicting scriptural messages about honoring parents. Of course, there is the fifth commandment: “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee” (Exodus 20:…