The following list is 12 suggestions that the Church could implement immediately without changing any doctrine, that would greatly improve the situation for LGBT people in the ranks as well as their families. 1) Promote a campaign against suicide of…
Category: Reconciliation work
Why We Must Not Give Up On The Church (And Reflections On An Inspiring Event In The Chicago Stake)
Last year, after my class on Mormon history, in which I had discussed with my students the Mormon belief in modern day revelation and modern-day prophets, I overheard the following comment in a conversation between two of my students: “The…
No More Strangers
More than twenty-five years ago when serving as Bishop of the Los Angeles Singles’ Ward I gave a talk in sacrament meeting titled, “No More Strangers and Foreigners: A Mormon-Christian Response to Homosexuality” . The substance of that address was…
No Empty Chairs
Blind Follower Or Active Seeker Of Truth?
Lessons from MLK for the Mormon LGBT Advocate – Part 2: Realizing Success
Why me? Why now?
I get lots of questions along the lines of, “What made you – a heterosexual, LDS-since-forever, woman/wife/mother – become an activist for LGBT rights/same-sex marriage?” The short answer is: I could not live with myself if I weren’t doing this,…
The Catalyst
I am the father of a young gay son. I am also a lifelong member of the LDS Church, a temple recommend holder and the Elder’s Quorum President in my ward. Having been thrown into the teeth of one of…
Keeping the Focus on Ourselves
Homosexuality, Mormonism, and Me
Micah Nickolaisen is a photographer and active, faithful Latter-Day Saint living in Chandler, Arizona. You can read more of his thoughts and story at Micah also manages and hosts the new Open Stories Foundation podcast A Thoughtful Faith I’m…