Today was my first day in a new ward. It is unavoidably true that one of the reasons for our move was to find a fresh start in a new ward. By way of synopsis, our son Jordan came out…
Christmas has come and gone. It is now that carefree time between Christmas and New Year’s. The Christmas tree is still up and Christmas lights still adorn the house. There is a bit of a food hangover from family parties,…
By Walter van Beek (originally published at http://timesandseasons.org/) A Dutch Mormon non-same-sex marriage: a proud father with his daughter The involvement of the LDS church in the issue of same sex marriage in the United States runs very deep and is highly…
The journey of my family since my son came out last year has been a roller coaster ride of highs and lows. The spiritual, intellectual and emotional investment required to make sense and find peace between two polarizing worlds…
Anybody who has been following the progress of Proposition 8 through the courts knew that the least likely outcome of the Supreme Court decision would be the one officially hoped for in the amicus brief filed by the Church, i.e.,…
(Also posted at mormonsformarriage.com) Dear Prop 8 supporters, I remember this feeling you may be feeling today, now that Prop 8 appeals have been exhausted and same-sex marriages are about to resume in California. I remember this feeling that your…
(also posted at youngstranger.blogspot.ca) I’m so proud of my state right now. About two years ago, after a Republican dominated Minnesota legislature put an anti-gay-marriage amendment on the ballot, Grant Stevensen, the pastor of Spirit of Truth Faith Community, said to…
The Supreme Court is hearing two cases about same-sex marriage this week. One is on the constitutionality of California’s marriage definition, the other is about whether the federal government may or must not recognize same-sex marriages which are recognized by…