Often it feels there’s a lot of heat and little light generated around the topic of marriage for gay and lesbian couples. In my personal experience, we must never lose track of the real impact that the political has on…
Category: Family issues
A Valentine to My Gay and Lesbian Friends–Welcome to the World of Romantic Love!
Blind Follower Or Active Seeker Of Truth?
Ryan Andresen Is My Son (Boys Scouts, Mormons and Inclusion)
The Catalyst
I am the father of a young gay son. I am also a lifelong member of the LDS Church, a temple recommend holder and the Elder’s Quorum President in my ward. Having been thrown into the teeth of one of…
Transgender Children: An Easy Way for the LDS Church to Get it Right
My Birth Defect
I’ve always had an excellent memory. This is both a blessing and a curse. Some of my earliest memories are feelings of frustration, inferiority, and wanting to be someone different that I was. I learned very young that I didn’t…
Born of Goodly Parents
Most Mormon LGBT are traumatized by their Mormon experience; I was not. My narrative begins with the question “Why, as a gay youth, was my Mormon experience so positive?