Category: Feminist issues

My Mormon Perspective: How to Teach the Value of Imperfect People and Families (and Putting the Proclamation into Perspective)

By Julia Madeline Taylor  Dedicated to Stumped, MDearest, Ray, marginalizedmormon and Karen H., for the BCC discussion that prompted this post as a formalized lesson plan.  I hope that whether you are teaching this lesson in church or family home evening, that you will take the chance and try…

Fembryology Part 4: A Feminist Critique of the Proclamation on the Family – “Gender”

By Elisothel (Also posted at ) (Admin note: The Proclamation on the Family has been used as a tool in the church’s fight against legalizing gay-marriage, and thus stands as a sad reminder to many LGBT people of their exclusion…

Fembryology Part 2: Not All Is What It Seems (A Discussion of the Less Common Outcomes in Sexual Differentiation)

By Elisothel (Also posted at (Admin note: We have been given permission to re-post this series about gender development. This was written from a feminist perspective, but these issues of gender are also relevant to LGBT people, particularly trans mormons,…

Fembryology Part 1: Mars and Venus (A Discussion of Sexual Development)

By Elisothel (Also posted at (Admin note: We have been given permission to re-post this series about gender development. This was written from a feminist perspective, but these issues of gender are also relevant to LGBT people, particularly trans mormons,…