by Duane Andersen and Robert A. Rees We know from modern revelation that the Bible has often been misinterpreted. Sometimes this is because misinterpretations are passed on from generation to generation. At other times it is because a lack of…
Author: Guest
Seek and You Shall Find (More Than You Thought You Would), Part Two
By Justin Moore (also published at his blog So I said yesterday that I would get down to the nitty-gritty today. And so I shall. Just a warning: this post is LONG. I mean, really long. But what I’ve tried…
Seek and You Shall Find (More Than You Thought You Would), Part 1
By Justin Moore (also published at his blog D&C 11:12-14 “…put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good—yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously…. 13 …I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which…
LDS Parents of Gay Man Launch Site with Online Resources
by Jim and Merrie Smithson After our son “came out” two years ago, we became aware of the need for a single, reliable place where parents in a similar situation could find good information that speaks to their immediate needs. Thankfully,…
A Remarkable Sunday—My Remarkable Daughter
By Maurie Tarbox Sunday, February 2, 2014 Sunday morning. A Sunday morning that started out like any other Sunday morning in our Utah home, but ended with an experience that will have changed me and many others. This being the…
A Two Way Trial: a Gay Mormon’s Perspective on Homosexuality
By Chris McKenna January 2012 was when I decided that I needed to figure out what these homosexual feelings were all about. I had just finished watching the Australian Open Men’s Final and part of the champion’s victory celebration involved…
The Chinese Finger Trap
By Anne McMullin Peffer I am the third of five children. My siblings and I could probably have won the contention award of the 1970s. We were opinionated, smart, and each felt it was our personal obligation to teach each other…
How Do You Raise a Gay Mormon Teen?
By Jake Abhau (also published on his blog First of all, let me say that I am not qualified to raise ANY teen in this world so who am I to say I might know how to raise a Mormon…
A Prayer for the Recent Gathering of the Eagle Forum in Utah!
By Jim Birrell Dear God, as the Eagle Forum gathers today, to incite one another from fear and to both sharpen and target their talons for (and at) their enemies—which they will assert are your enemies, too—help them, oh God,…
Adventures at Church in Utah’s Double-Bubble
Being an advocate for gay individuals in Utah’s bubble can have consequences, yet no one can take away from us those things that matter most by Yvett Zobel I live in a beautiful place in Utah that is known as…