By Ben Jarvis My husband Pat and I have many anniversaries in our relationship: the night we met, the day we moved in together, our domestic partnership registration. But the most important anniversary, and indeed the only anniversary that we…
Author: Guest
Three Identities, One Person, and One Soul: An African‐American Gay Mormon Perspective on the 1978 Priesthood Revelation
By Frederick Bowers (Admin note) No More Strangers is a new forum seeking to advance the dialogue regarding LGBT people and Mormonism. As such, it has the good fortune of having bloggers who have made significant contributions to Latter-day Saint…
Love in Word and Deed
By Scott H. (Admin note) No More Strangers is a new forum seeking to advance the dialogue regarding LGBT people and Mormonism. As such, it has the good fortune of having bloggers who have made significant contributions to Latter-day Saint…
Scene: At the County Clerk’s Office, Yesterday
By Adam Ford Deeply in love gay couple who want to get married: [To government clerk, with smiling faces] “Sir, we want to make a lifelong commitment to each other and start a family, will you please issue us a…
Protecting Our Gay/SSA Youth
By Jim Smithson This blog and accompanying handout were posted first on North Star’s blog on March 30, 2013. The blog, with a link to the handout, is now cross-posted on Circling the Wagons, No More Strangers, and Affirmation. My…
Easter Reflections of a Gay Man
By Aaron Tabacco (cross posted from his blog Quorum of the Outcasts) You know, the entire Passover and Easter season used to be my very favorite time of the year for spiritual renewal. Not in a social connect-with-family-and-friends-and-food sort of way…but…
Heavenly Mother Intervenes for a Gay Man
By Edward J. (originally from his blog gailymormon) I delivered this talk in sacrament meeting at the Washington DC Third Ward on Sunday, January 20, 2013. The first counselor in the bishopric asked me to speak on how the gospel has…
Letter to a Stranger
By Gretta Whalen (this will be cross-posted today to her blog This is a private message I sent to a friend’s friend on Facebook at his request. The thread was pretty Mormon-y, and so is my response. The context: you…
Outing Esther
How I Came Out to My Ward
James Brinton The coming out process is a continual journeyby James Brinton (cross-posted from The Affirmation Messenger, a weekly newsletter from Affirmation)The coming out process is a unique journey for us all. To each of us is given the freedom to…