By Cameron Kirton (originally published at his blog A few nights ago I was watching a documentary on TV with my housemates, The focus of the documentary was depression and suicide, particular amongst professional footballers and the elite youth that…
Month: October 2013
Good Samaritans and God’s Confirmation
God’s Strategy
By Matt Mosman (also posted at . Good morning, brothers and sisters. Always a pleasure to see so many of my friends here in the El Camino Ward. A few months ago one of our other high councilmen, Rob Hansen, cornered…
Come Sweep With Us! – A Message For LDS Youth Allies
An Increase of Love
By Bryan Hendrickson I know many of us felt a fair amount of emotion over this past conference weekend. I myself went through a range of it, all the while trying to keep it all inside so that no one…
Thoughts on General Conference
I was encouraged by some of the messages at general conference. A number of them reminded me of my central covenant to love the Lord with all of my heart, might, mind and strength and to love others as I…
“Just Be There”: A Message of Suicide Awareness and Prevention
On Charlie Brown and General Conference
By Aaron Tabacco (cross posted from his blog Quorum of the Outcasts) (Admin note: In the context of President Uchtdorf’s address asking member’s to be more understanding of why people leave the church, it is important to realize that the vast majority…
Why the Conference Talks about Gay Marriage Are Steps Forward
Would anybody have believed on Wednesday, November 5, 2008 that Prop 8 was actually going to propel the movement for marriage equality forward in unprecedented ways? I certainly didn’t, though in praying and seeking comfort from God about this, I…